Cannabidiol which is also known as CBD is a compound in the cannabis plant. CBD is one of at least 85 cannabinoids identified in cannabis. It is the second most abundant compound in hemp, which represents up to 40 percent of its compounds, the first being THC.
The chart below shows various benefits of CBD.
Cannabis CBD can be administered in many forms, a common application is orally or topically. You can find these applications in drops, consumable edibles, lotions, and now patches. CBD is a natural treatment for a plethora of ailments and it is acknowledged that CBD is safer than THC. Industrial hemp, the male form of marijuana, is naturally high in CBD. While containing only traces of THC, the oil extracted is safe and non-hallucinatory. Due to these properties, CBD is a legal supplement and can be consumed safely in any concentration and amount.
Medical Cannabis (CBD) Alternative
There is a lot of potential in administering CBD through the skin.
The skin contains the endocannabinoid system which has many cannabinoid receptors. These receptors work with CBD and THC molecules in cannabis to produce all the positive effects connected with cannabis. The skin is the location of the majority of these receptors.

The Relax Bio Energy Patch is designed to provide essential bio-frequencies that encourage the body to reach a state of maximum relaxation. Relax uses the frequencies of Indica Cannabis that are associated with muscle relaxing and calming effects. As CBD is the main ingredient, is is commonly used as a treatment for stress.
Not only can a topical application administer CBD through the body, when placed topically via a patch, the concentrated effect to the area can also have beneficial properties. The National Remedies company also produces patches to deal with circulation, digestion, join pain, scar tissue, stress and anxiety.
Cannabis CBD is also known to have anti-aging, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which would help with skin problems. Hemp seed oil also offers omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that provide moisture for sun damaged skin.
When used with Medical cannabis in any form will heighten mood or euphoria and relaxation, as long as it remains in the range of medical benefits of Medical Cannabis.
Will CBD Get Me High?
People often get confused between CBD and THC properties. THC is the intoxicating compound that causes marijuana users to get “high.” On the other hand, with CBD, it is impossible to get high, and in fact is a legal substance around the world. To be used as an application, CBD is extracted and mixed in hemp oil extracts which can vary in concentration. THC and CBD are both phytocannabinoids, which means they are natural and plant derived. THC and CBD primarly interact with specific cells causing various effects in the human body.
There are a wide range of applications for CBD and THC. At the molecular level, they are very similar which is why they are often confused, even in the scientific community. The chemical properties of CBD and THC however vary widely, and THC is classified as a hallucinatory drug, while CBD is classified as safe and legal around the world.