Instagrammer Of The Month โ€“ @giggletwigfarmer

The Instagrammer of the month is chosen on our main instagram page that can be found HERE

To be in with a chance of showcasing your growths on our instagram page, website and hard copy magazine, please direct message us!

This month we have @giggletwigfarmer

Hey Growmies! ๐Ÿ™‚

My name is Luis Soto and Iโ€™m 22 years old. I grow my medicine organically
in โ€œNo-Tillโ€ living soil with my body and the environment in mind. Iโ€™ve been
growing cannabis since I was discharged from the Marine Corps for
medical reasons when I was 19. Iโ€™ve been in love with this plant ever since

Originally, I began growing to save myself some money since I became a
frequent medical user after the military. I was suffering from both mental
and physical conditions, with no help from the VA, and no medical
insurance for a good while too. The pills I was prescribed felt like they were
hurting me more than they were helping me, and I just couldnโ€™t afford them
anymore too.

Itโ€™s crazy to see how far my green journey has come. Ironically, I used to be
against cannabis and the use of it before the military. Now my life revolves
around this plant and growing it brings me a special type of joy. I used to
be a war-mongering grunt before my relationship with cannabis. Now Iโ€™m a
life-loving hippie who just wants to be the change Iโ€™m seeking in the world.
One Love.



Images by: @giggletwigfarmer

Written and Published in Weed World Magazine Issue 158

The post Instagrammer Of The Month – @giggletwigfarmer appeared first on Weed World Magazine.


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