Using Weed for a Good Night’s Sleep

cannabis sleeping mask

Our beloved Cannabis plant is effective in restoring a person’s sleep, which often falls out of sync with modern schedules. Whether you have a sleep disorder, a messed up sleep cycle or simply need help sleeping after a stressful day, cannabis can be an effective solution for improving your sleep issues.

If you have trouble falling asleep, weed can help you fall and stay asleep. CBD, a compound in weed, has been shown to promote sleep by binding to receptors in the brain that regulate sleep and wakefulness. THC, another compound in weed, can also help you fall asleep by reducing anxiety.

Sleep Disorders

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from sleeping disorders, you may be interested in trying cannabis as a treatment. Cannabis has been shown to be an effective sleep medicine for deeper and better quality sleep, with few side effects.

Around 70% of young adults that regularly use cannabis report that they use weed for a good sleep. About half of long-term cannabis users or those who have been using cannabis for at least 10 years report using weed to improve sleep quality. Of those who use weed for medicinal purposes, 85% of them report that cannabis improves their sleep quality and sleep cycles.
In terms of cannabis research in aiding users to obtain quality sleep an assist in other sleep disorders, studies about it continue to prosper and are developing.

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at how cannabis work and helps users obtain a deep sleep, how effective it is, which type of cannabis you should use, different ways to consume it, and other more deliberation to consider before finalizing your thoughts about cannabis use for a good sleep.

How does it work?

The effects of utilizing weed have always been a case-to-case basis. Cannabis may be of some help to people or medical patients going through nightmares caused by PTSD or posttraumatic stress disorder and other issues that make people experience difficulties in falling asleep and enjoying a rejuvenating rest.

marijuana idea

As written in various scientific journals;

cannabinoids which are commonly found in cannabis work by interacting with the receptors in our brain. By binding with the brain’s receptors, cannabinoids gain control of some bodily functions by suppressing the brain’s arousal system.

THC and CBD are the two main components of cannabis.

These two are the most common and famously known by many due to their contrasting effects on the body. THC typically has sedative effects but it can also be stimulating for some, especially for those who are trying cannabis for the first time. CBD promotes alertness at lower doses and sleepiness at higher doses. Depending on how they are used, both CBD and THC compounds may offer varying results.

Both THC and CBD aid chronic conditions that may interfere with sleep. THC can be effective on patients who experience PTSD-related nightmares and sleeping troubles while CBD can be a help in regulating body temperature and synchronizing sleep patterns.

The history of using weed for sleep

Weed has been used to help with sleep problems for centuries. The first recorded cannabis use for sleeping dates back to 2737 BC, when the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung recommended the plant for its ability to “induce sleep and relieve pain.” In the centuries since, cannabis has been used as a sleep resource by cultures around the world. In India, for example, the Ayurvedic tradition has long recommended cannabis for insomnia and to fall asleep.

While the use of cannabis as a sleep medicine has a long history, its scientific study is relatively new. In the past few years, however, a growing body of research has begun to explore the potential of cannabis for treating insomnia and improving sleep.

Cannabidiol Developments

One of the most promising areas of research is the use of cannabidiol (CBD) for sleep. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis, and preliminary research suggests that it may have a number of potential health benefits, including improved sleep.

A 2019 study published in the Permanente Journal found that CBD was effective in reducing insomnia symptoms in people with chronic pain. 

Trouble falling asleep, the benefits of using cannabis as a sleep aid


There are many benefits to cannabis use as sleep aids. Cannabis can help to restore a person’s sleep cycle, which often falls out of sync with modern schedules. Additionally, cannabis is effective in pain relief and reduce anxiety, both of which can contribute to insomnia. Cannabis is also a safe and non-addictive help, with few side effects. In contrast, many of the commonly prescribed drugs, such as benzodiazepines, are addictive and come with a host of dangerous side effects.

Cannabis is a relatively inexpensive sleep aid, especially when compared to the cost of some prescription medications. You can grow your own! Additionally, there are many different ways to consume cannabis, so people can find the method that works best for them.

There are a few potential drawbacks to using cannabis as sleep aids.

The most common is that it can disrupt REM sleep, which can lead to daytime grogginess. Additionally, some people may build up a tolerance to cannabis, which would require them to use more and more of the substance to get the same effect. However, this is tipically a concern for people who use cannabis frequently.

All in all, the pros of using cannabis as a sleep medication far outweigh the cons. If you are struggling with insomnia you won’t have rem sleep anyway, so give it a try!

How to use cannabis as a sleep aid

If you’re interested in using cannabis as a sleep aid, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed. It’s also important to research what works best for your sleep problems it might be a high THC Strains or a CBD strain.

How Effective is Weed for Sleep?

As a controlled substance, studies about cannabis, especially on topics about safety consumption and its effects on people having trouble in their sleeping cycle, are still limited. However, when compared with other prescribed medications and FDA-approved products or over-the-counter sleep medications, cannabis is still highly preferred by most patients and independent individuals as other forms of medications are most likely associated with a high risk of abuse, tolerance, or various side effects.

Some other natural sleep aids like oral melatonin appear to reduce insomnia without strong side effects, while other homeopathic options still need more research. Despite this, many patients suffering from insomnia and other symptoms of sleep disorders refer to cannabis as an effective treatment, with little to no side effects.

Unlike other sleeping medications, pills, or remedies available on the market today, cannabis has proven to show more efficacy in addressing poor sleep or other issues, especially for people who often are out of sync with the body’s natural circadian rhythm due to our modern lifestyle. We all know how hard it is to fall asleep whilst the mobile phone is close by with all the news in the world at arm’s length.

Cannabis compounds

Cannabis as a whole contains over 100 different chemical compounds, including THC and CBD. However, most of the research on cannabis and sleep has been conducted using THC-rich strains. THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the “high” feeling. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and does not produce a high.

Sleep Quality Research

marijuana sleep research

A small body of research has found that THC may be effective in treating insomnia. A 2006 study found that THC was effective in reducing the time it took to fall asleep and increased the duration of sleep in people with insomnia. A 2013 study also found that THC improved sleep quality in people with PTSD.

The best strains of weed for sleeping disorders

Smoking of any kind is a known health risk and should be approached with caution. Cannabis being a controlled substance is still illegal in many states and territories despite its medicinal benefits.

However, some states allow the use of cannabis solely for medicinal purposes and if your professional physician approved the use of it to treat your insomnia. For others you have to research your symptons, is the issue to fall asleep, shallow sleep or insomnia different strains will work better.

There are different strains of cannabis and each variety of strains produce different and varying effects. Here are the three most common cannabis strains you will encounter:

  • Indica

This type of cannabis strain is considered to be soothing and relaxing. It may help produce feelings of drowsiness and sleepiness. People prefer Indicas for their bodily effects.

  • Sativa

Generally, Sativas make people more alert, excited, happy, and energized. While most people consider Indicas as the best cannabis strain for sleep, many prefer Sativas to avoid nightmares. While there is a wide difference in the effects of Indicas and Sativas, those dissimilarities do not hold much value other than the differences in THC content and other ingredients included in a particular product.

  • Hybrid

Hybrid strains with a mix of Indicas and Sativas offer varying effects to their users depending on the specific composition of cannabinoids and other active compounds. Some hybrids are more Indica-dominant which offers a soothing effect, while the others are Sativa-dominant which offers an energizing and uplifting effect.

hybrid seeds

Here are some of the best strains to use for insomnia, some are High THC strains, moderate and / or with CBD.

  • Blue Dream XTRM:

A Sativa-dominant hybrid known as a high THC strain that can leave users feeling relaxed.

  • Purple Punch:

An Indica strain with a high THC level is known for its sedative effects.

  • Kali Jack:

A Sativa-dominant hybrid with a moderate THC level that provides a balanced high that can help users relax without making them too drowsy.

  • White Quinn:

A sativa-dominant hybrid with a high CBD level and a moderate THC level that provides clear

The risks of using weed for sleep, what to consider

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Before jumping to your final decision of having cannabis to improve your sleep, consulting the guidance and professional advice from your healthcare provider is highly recommended. As they best know your current medical condition and history, they can provide you with sound medical advice best fitted for you.

Do keep in mind that long-term usage may countereffect the goal you actually are trying to achieve as our body can develop a tolerance for the sedative effects lowering the cannabis efficacy and a higher dose for the same result might be needed. Long term marijuana use in high dosage may result in sleep disturbances bringing you back to where you started!

When to use weed for sleep

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When picking the variety of weed you are taking for the very first time, focus on which forms of weed you want to utilize for your sleep. Your choice will also decide on when is the right time to use them to experience its effects at the perfect time you need it.

When you smoke weed, you can generally feel the immediate effects while edibles take a longer time as they need to be fully digested first.

When opting for inhalation, effects also depend on the number of times it is inhaled, the length of inhalation, and other contributing factors. Most commonly, THC content boosts its effects approximately in 10 minutes.

Thus, when you want to use weed for a good night’s sleep, timing is important. While everyone’s physiology is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this, using weeds an hour or two before bedtime is the most common to have a well-rested night.

What form of weed to use for sleep

Cannabis can be consumed in various ways either by inhalation through smoking and vaporizing and oral or placing it under the tongue as a tincture. Each format has its fair share of benefits and drawbacks.

For example, those who are more concerned about the effects of inhalation or smoking on lung health may prefer to avoid smoking it. Different forms of cannabis offer different bioavailability or how much of the active THC content you can expect to make it into your bloodstream. Inhalation tends to have high bioavailability as THC enters your system directly.

How much to consume

cannabis balance intake

Knowing how much marijuana for sleep you need to consume requires some knowledge and research. Different strains will also have different amounts of cannabinoids like THC levels and CBD levels on them. Thus, offering varying effects on body and mind. Timing, dosage, along with one’s regular cannabis use and level of experience matters when it comes to amount needed.

Consuming more than you can handle may lead to a person tossing and turning with weed-induced paranoia. It is better to pace your weed intake and be aware of the cues from your body. It is imperative to know your limits and to never go beyond that limit.

Possible effects you may experience

Cannabis use may come with other possible effects other than deep sleep. THC is a component that has other effects apart from promoting sleep, you may feel sleepy, relaxed, euphoric, or energized when consuming it. If this is your first time trying it, you may have to experiment a bit before you find the right format, dose, and timing that best works for you.

Weed vs. Ambien: which is better for sleep?

There is no clear answer as to whether weed or Ambien is better for sleep. Both have their pros and cons. Weed is a natural remedy with few side effects, but it can be difficult to control the dose. Ambien is a synthetic drug that is effective in inducing sleep, to do some pain relief when suffering from migraines but it can be addictive and has a several side effects. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide which is best for them. Personally, I would prefer natural products over synthetic drugs as they tend to be more gentle on the body and won’t give you any withdrawal symptoms.


better sleep

Weed has been used as a sleep aid for centuries and there are many benefits to doing so. Cannabis can help a person fall asleep faster, improve your natural sleep cycle and give you an overall better sleep. It has shown to be effective in treating several sleeping disorders, but to get it right, there is a learning curve and might take some experimentation. Do consider that it’s not a solid long-term solution if you have severe symptoms please consult a doctor.
In short; Only you can decide that you want to invest the time, accept the possible effects like a disturbed rem sleep and anxious feelings are worth it to get a good night’s rest!
We hope you can sleep tight soon again, and as always, Happy Growings!


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