Everything About CBD Oil for Dogs

Animals are taking an essential part in the lives of many people. What is a dog for you? Is it just an animal? Is it your friend or even a family member? In any case, maybe you would like to give all the best to your dog. Even CBD oil. Is it possible for a dog to take CBD oil? What are the legal and medical considerations of such a question? Learn about it in today’s article. Enjoy reading!

1. CBD oil explained

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound that is one of more than one hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, it is a non-psychoactive compound that does not cause the so-called “entourage effect” (feeling high) or disorientation in consumers. CBD can also be rich in a variety of vitamins.

There are several types of CBD oil that are represented on the market. The three main ones are full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and isolated. As each is made up of different compounds or combinations of them (the full-spectrum contains all the compounds of the cannabis plant, the broad-spectrum contains several cannabis compounds without THC, and the isolate has pure CBD), they can all have different potential effects.

2. Is CBD oil for dogs the same type as for humans?

There is no special oil with cannabidiol for dogs. Traditionally, CBD oil that can be used by humans can also be given to dogs. If you are planning to give CBD oil to your dog, we would like to recommend you avoid using full-spectrum CBD oil as it contains THC.

3. Is CBD oil safe for dogs?

Please remember that safety comes first. There has not been much formal research at this time on how CBD affects dogs particularly. THC is not a good option for dogs as it is toxic for them. So we recommend you choose CBD oils without THC. You can read various articles with interesting information about research on CBD in our blog, but keep in mind that these studies were conducted on different living beings, not only dogs.

4. Can CBD get your dog high?

There are two main compounds found in strains of cannabis: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The difference between them is critical because THC can be toxic to dogs, but CBD is possibly safe, so always make sure you give your dog THC-free CBD oil (isolate or broad-spectrum). In this case, you can be sure your dog won’t get high.

5. What dog health problems can be possibly treated with CBD oil?

Despite the lack of studies on the possible effects of CBD on dogs, there is some information on research that has already been conducted in the field for different kinds of living organisms. In this section, we will outline health problems that CBD can possibly cause in dogs:

  • Pain

CBD may help change how the brain takes pain. In addition, CBD can assist in dealing with other symptoms that go hand-in-hand with pain, such as insomnia and nausea. Cannabidiol can also help manage acute pain from trauma. To learn more about CBD’s possible importance in healing pain, you can read this article that contains more general information about how CBD, particularly Marry Jane’s oils, can potentially be effective in dealing with pain.

  • Cancer

Cancer is a serious health problem not only for humans but also for dogs. There are a number of studies that have been conducted to research the possible effects of CBD to deal with cancer and the side effects of anti-cancer therapy. Let’s check them out below.

One 2015 study demonstrated that cannabidiol can decrease the growth speed of breast cancer cells in mice. Research conducted 3 years ago found that CBD might prolong the survival time of mice with pancreatic cancer. According to this study, cancer cells can become more responsive to CBD treatments. In this case, CBD may increase the possible effects of cancer treatment.

There is research that has shown, CBD can significantly reduce pain related to cancer. Moreover, you can read more information on modern studies related to the possible effects of CBD on anti-cancer therapy in our traditional Marry Jane Weekly News Digests.

  • Joint problems

This is a common issue in dogs. Different studies have shown that CBD can possibly have anti-inflammatory properties. But if you are looking for the research conducted especially on dogs, here it is. The study has found that cannabidiol can help increase comfort and activity in dogs with osteoarthritis after the dogs receive the CBD doses of 2 to 8 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

  • Allergies

It is another important issue CBD can solve. Different studies have shown the following possible effects of cannabidiol: help in relieving dryness and itching of the skin; assisting in reducing potential triggers of eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

  • Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the common reasons dog owners choose CBD products. And it is no surprise: the dog’s anxiety makes the owner anxious as well. Most people who use CBD take it for dealing with pain, anxiety, and depression. And there’s a reason why. CBD can be helpful in reaching desirable relaxation as studies consider its possible effectiveness in dealing with stress and anxiety.

And what about animal studies? One 2018 study has shown that CBD can be used for dogs in dealing with anxiety. A 2012 study analysed stress in rats exposed to cats. The result of this research is: CBD can have the beneficial potential for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, researchers don’t know how CBD relieves stress and anxiety, but it is believed that it may help regulate serotonin, a hormone the correct development of which makes a person feel good, their mood elevates, and they actively communicate with other people. Therefore, the broad name for serotonin is “the happiness hormone”. Also, according to the World Health Organization, CBD is generally well-tolerated.

  • Seizures and epilepsy

Last but not least issue that CBD oil can possibly solve. Different researchers studied CBD as a possible treatment for epilepsy in dogs. According to one of these, in 89 percent of dogs treated with CBD in clinical trials, seizure rates decreased.

A study published in 2019 found that dogs with epilepsy who received CBD in addition to anticonvulsants had significantly fewer seizures than dogs who received anticonvulsants and a placebo. However, an equal number of dogs in the CBD and placebo groups responded to treatment and had a decrease in seizure activity. The authors recommended that testing be continued before drawing any definitive conclusions.

While these and other similar studies may provide insight into the medicinal potential of CBD in dogs and the range of dogs’ health problems CBD can possibly resolve is diverse, but keep in mind that, by now, there is not enough research to provide evidence of true CBD benefits on dogs’ health. Be careful and ask a vet for assistance.

6. The legal aspect of CBD oil for dogs

Actually, like with CBD for people, the legal status of CBD oil for dogs is uncertain. Remember that different countries and regions approve the use and distribution of different amounts of THC and CBD. In some countries and regions, such products are prohibited completely. We recommend you check international and local CBD legislation if you are going to give CBD oil to your dog or especially if you are going to move between the countries.

7. CBD oil for dogs and other medications

If you are giving your dog medication for anxiety or any other condition, consult your veterinarian before using CBD oil. Holistic and integrative veterinarians are usually very familiar with CBD and can easily answer your questions.

Remember that CBD oil can interact with medications differently. Moreover, it inhibits the cytochrome P450 enzyme, which is involved in the metabolism of many drugs. For example, compounds in grapefruit inhibit the same group of enzymes. By inhibiting cytochrome P450, CBD can either decrease or enhance the effects of other drugs.

8. Side effects of CBD oil for dogs

Dogs can possibly experience the same side effects of CBD oil as people can. There is a dog owners survey conducted by The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association in order to know what side effects they noticed in their dogs. And the effects below have been reported.

The most notable side effects were sedation (19.13%), overactive appetite (5.08%), lack of energy (4.10%), panic reactions (2.72%) and dry mouth together with excessive drinking (2.33%). Some CBD oils will have different additives and may not be safe. Be a watchful consumer and take only the best product you can.

According to different sources, taking CBD oil can lead to nausea, liver damage, decreased appetite, drowsiness, changes in alertness, diarrhoea and fatigue. You can get the important information before taking CBD oil and especially before giving the product to your beloved dog in our article on CBD oil side effects we published two weeks ago.

9. Final thoughts

This is the basic information on CBD oils for dogs. We hope this has been useful for you. Remember that humans and dogs have different bodies, and they react to CBD oil differently. We recommend you don’t evaluate the capabilities of the dog’s body in terms of the human body. Please keep in mind that safety comes first, and before giving CBD oil to your dog, consult a vet and trust only professionals. In any case, if you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or share your experience with us. We are always on hand to help you. Take care of yourself and your pet. See you in future articles on our blog.

10. Sources

  1. Cannabidiol (CBD) Critical Review Report (https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/CannabidiolCriticalReview.pdf)
  2. Pets on Pot — Just High or Highly Dangerous? (https://cvm.msu.edu/vetschool-tails/pets-on-pot-just-high-or-highly-dangerous)
  3. Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3165951/)
  4. Can CBD help treat PTSD? (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cbd-for-ptsd)
  5. Cannabinoid improves survival rates of mice with pancreatic cancer (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/07/180730160618.htm)
  6. Cannabinoids in cancer treatment: Therapeutic potential and legislation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6387667/)
  7. A selective review of medical cannabis in cancer pain management (https://apm.amegroups.com/article/view/16199/18209)
  8. Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6065210/)
  9. Cannabidiol: State of the art and new challenges for therapeutic applications (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28232276/)
  10. Cannabinoids in the Pathophysiology of Skin Inflammation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7037408/)
  11. US Veterinarians’ Knowledge, Experience, and Perception Regarding the Use of Cannabidiol for Canine Medical Conditions (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6338022/)
  12. Cannabidiol blocks long-lasting behavioral consequences of predator threat stress: possible involvement of 5HT1A receptors (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22979992/)
  13. Randomized blinded controlled clinical trial to assess the effect of oral cannabidiol administration in addition to conventional antiepileptic treatment on seizure frequency in dogs with intractable idiopathic epilepsy (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31067185/)
  14. Cannabinoids and Cytochrome P450 Interactions (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26651971/)
  15. Consumers’ perceptions of hemp products for animals (https://www.ahvma.org/wp-content/uploads/AHVMA-2016-V42-Hemp-Article.pdf)

Source: https://marryjane.com/blog/everything-about-cbd-oil-for-dogs/

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