Shivaratri 2021a Ganja Pleasant Celebration of the Lord of Bhang

Be part of Our Host Chris Bennett and a bunch of wonderful panelists whereas we have fun the Lord Shiva 
Schedule Shivaratri 

4pm – 4:15, me and marc introduce the occasion and talk about shiva and chillum ritual
5:15 first chillum
4:15- 4:30 Kaliga Love on Shiva
4:30 – 4:40 doug talks about his time in India
4;40 -4:50 Mark from nepal 
4:50 – 5 – satyen
5- 5:10 – second chillum and bhang on lingam
5:10 – 5:20 Richard Davis
5:20 -5:30 – chris
5:30- 5:45 – swami
5:45 – 6 – meditation chant with rachel
6 – third chillum and we are able to open up the ground for a bit.

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